Sunday, January 18, 2009 - two words, Houston Marathon!! Wow! This was my second marathon to date. Last year was an experience of a lifetime, ranking up there with College Graduation and Wedding Day! I ran for a reason last year, I raised money for the Organization of Autism Research - OAR. That race as a whole was absolutely breathtaking. A mixture of my first marathon, running for a charity, seeing the support of my friends and family made this one of the best days of my life. Most of you know that I am not an emotional person, or maybe I am I just don't openly show it, I don't think I have ever cried that much in one day! The stories along the way, seeing a blind man being lead by a person throughout the entire marathon, and seeing the finish line with my dad anxiously awaiting my arrival, still to this day warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes when I begin to talk about it. Wow, what an experience! This year was a bit different. I knew what to expect, I knew the pain I would face both during and at the end. I think I liked not knowing! I was hoping to focus on my time this year, but this began to worry me because I was unsure if I had what it would take to finish without the pressures of people donating their money to an organization on my behalf!! I also knew that my struggle point last year was the dreaded mile 17! Yikes! My hips last year at this point were insanely crippled! So this year I expected to feel the same, and with 9 miles left, it is somewhat discouraging at this point! I started off great! I held my desired pace until mile 15 and only slowed slightly after. As I approached the dreaded 17, I saw Blake waving his arms on the side to get my attention! I was not in the insane pain like last year, don't get me wrong...knees and hips were killing but I felt pretty good! I started to cry because Blake knew I was so nervous about this point in the race and also knew I would need encouragement. I ran to him and gave him a quick kiss and could only manage to whisper, "Pray for my hips!" It was just what I needed to boost me back on pace with my pace setters!! No one really talked this year, so I didn't have that portion of the emotional experience. I did have a reason this year that I decided a few weeks before the race. I was going to attempt (I say that because my knees and hips screaming would distract me periodically throughout the event) to pray for my dear friend and cousin who is in desperate need of hope right now. My sweet little cousin, Samuel, died one day after his due date. I have never known anyone who has suffered a stillbirth, but having experienced what little I have through my cousin's experience, no one should have to have to go through it. I made sure I planned out on my IPOD songs that would keep me focused on fervently praying for a miracle of hope for my brokenhearted friend, for 4 hours and 30 min. That was my goal time, as you can see in the title, I was able to pray for an extra 28 min!!! Having spent a week with them a few weeks before the marathon, gave me more inspiration than you could imagine! Thank you Sara, for sharing memories of Samuel with me!
At the finish line waiting and cheering for me was my Dad, Jay, Blake, Adam, Courtney, Stephanie, Joe and Jenny. Seeing these people, family, childhood friend and friends that I have met only a few times, completely warmed my heart. Thank God for the support of these special people. They will never know what that means to a person during such a struggle to see their supporting faces. Adam, you will see in February. Side note, my friend, Adam and I are running the Austin Marathon February 15!! This is his first marathon! I am so excited to be able to support him the way he has done for me at both of my Houston Marathons. I crossed the finish line and clocked an official 5:00:00. My watch was stopped at the line on 4:58:55, I don't get why there is a minute difference because I started when I crossed the start line and stopped when I crossed the finish. I am so going with the 4:58:55!!!! With my watch time, I beat my last year time by exactly 30 min. I was extremely excited and hope that next year I can shave another 30 min, and reach my ultimate goal of 4:30:00.
Only 3 weeks from tomorrow, Austin is calling my name!!!