Sara, not even flinching!!!!
Ok, I think it kinda hurt...good thing mine only took literally 3 min!!!
Sara's tattoo of sweet Samuel's footprint
Sara and I showing off our tats!!!
So our visit to Houston was GREAT!!! My cousins from Oklahoma were in town so I got to hang out with my godson!! We got into Houston Friday afternoon and visited with my parents for a bit before going to dinner with my cousin Greg and his wife, one of my best friends, Sara. We had a blast! Sara and I have been talking about getting tattoos for a while now, so we decided what better time to do it then NOW! So after dinner we ventured off to get our tats!! What an experience...in many ways!! She was a trouper for sure, didn't even flinch! Her tattoo turned out amazing! He did a great job. They stenciled my sweet cousins footprint and tattooed it on! It literally is true to size and looks as if Samuel stamped it on Sara's foot himself! What a sweet reminder of him.
I need to post a better pic of mine, you cant really see it. I got an outline of a dove, the James Avery dove to be exact. I have wanted this tattoo since college, but actually wanted it on my lower abdomen. Thankfully, Sara, reminded me that one day I will be pregnant and we don't want that thing growing into the size of a bald eagle!!! YIKES!! Thank you Sara!! :) So I decided on the inside of my left ankle for placement.
I think they both turned out great!!!!
Blake and I with the cousins!!!
Blake and his special friend Anna!
I really enjoyed time with my godson!!! However, it seems since turning 4, he no longer thinks its cool to hang out with me :( I joked with Sara that he loved me when he was 3, what the heck happened at 4!!! I still was able to smother him with love...like it or not!! HAHA
Blake found him a special friend in Anna! Since the very beginning, Anna has just loved her some Blake! She always asks about and talks about him on the phone with me, and this weekend was able to have all of his attention! She didn't care too much about anyone around except for him! Both he and she enjoyed their special time together! We love sweet Anna!!
We were so fortunate to be in town for my other cousin, Meaghan's confirmation also. We were able to hang out with my aunt and uncle and more cousins!! I need to find my pics from the confirmation and post them.

Me and my sweet Granny!
Blake and I also were able to spend some time with Granny and see her new home. She is doing fantastic! I am so happy for her! She excepts this next step in her life and is welcoming all that comes a long with it! She introduced us to her new friends and showed us her activity schedule. Her home is warm and nice. I loved seeing her happy and it eases my mind a bit as I come back to Louisiana! I love her and just want her to be happy!!
What a wonderful and eventful weekend!! I love my time in TEXAS!!!