This is me...so TIRED!!!!!
Ready for a crazy post?! My Marathon journey started Friday after my Sports Med Appt. Loaded up Champ and we were off to Houston! We arrived around 6pm, just in time for a wonderful Lasagna dinner at my mom's! Saturday, after my dad refereed a couple of games we were back on the road to San Antonio. We just made it before the expo closed, to pick up my race packet. We picked a nice Sonic dinner and headed to the hotel where we caught the Texas Tech Red Raiders BEAT OSU!!! Shoot 'em up!!! Turned in very early, after all, big day on Sunday! Ok, here's the good part...Sunday morning I woke up and got ready just like any other marathon, only this time I was SO nervous...more nervous than ever...not just nerves about running a marathon...but because 6 days before I found out I am PREGNANT!!!! Yes, that's right, I was running for 2!!! So of course most people were worried about me running, so I was contemplating just running the 1/2 marathon, even though I was cleared by 2 OB's and my sports med doctor. I talked to my dad and after receiving his advice I decided I would in fact just run the half. I didn't know how much this would actually affect me. At mile 10.5, runners had to make a choice, full marathoners to the right and 1/2 marathoners to the left. When I forced my legs to the left, I started to cry. Not because of pain, but because in my mind I was failing myself. I have never started something in my life, and not finished it. I will receive a DQ (disqualification) for the marathon race because I had signed up for the race and did not complete it, but will receive an official time for the half marathon. Then I started to think about why I was reacting like this, I mean after all I had another 3 miles to figure myself out!! Mixed with emotions of hormones, and the experience of a race for me, came a realization that its not about me anymore. I had made this decision for someone else, not me, for little Baby Broussard! I then began to look at it as a good thing. Still hard for the competitive side of me to see that DQ, but a good decision overall! Race went well! Finished with a 2 hr 25 min time-satisfied with that!!! I did meet 2 pregnant girls at the start of the race who were a tremendous source of encouragement and information. Thank you Christy (6 mos pregnant) and Kristen (3 mos pregnant) who I don't know your last names, but thank you for all of your words!! These girls were running the half marathon!! Not to mention their cute shirts that said "One Bad Mother Runner" on the front!!
So as soon as I crossed the finish line, met up with my dad, we were in the car AGAIN to head home. We were able to go look at our old house from when we lived there when I was younger. It was sad to see it is not kept the way my parents had kept it, but good to see something familiar! Once getting back to Houston, took a break for a few minutes and was back in the car to head to Louisiana. Did I mention I had to do all of this traveling because my boss would not give me Monday off?!?! Yep, still bitter!! I arrived home around 7pm, with enough time to take a bath and head to bed early! YIKES! Long and fast weekend!!!
All in all it was a great time, I had a blast with my dad! I liked having a weekend with just us :) He was such a good chauffeur and support system at the race!! My mom is the ultimate dog sitter and gave Champ royal treatment while we were in San Antonio, so much that I left him for the week and will pick him up when I go back into town next weekend. Thanks mom and Hannah!!
Ill post more on the pregnancy later, just excited to announce to everyone!! Praise God for this baby in me!
Have a great week!