Christmas was wonderful again this year! Holidays always means lots of traveling for Blake and I, but we think maybe with Peyton next year, we will request everyone to come to us!! :) Blake and I drove in (yes the 4 hour drive because of bad weather-no flying) Wednesday night, just in time to shop for a few last minute gifts! Christmas Eve we met our friends Adam and Courtney for breakfast. We always enjoy seeing them-we are thankful for such wonderful friendships! From there we went to my parents to get ready for my favorite thing about Christmas-Christmas Eve church!! I have always loved this service since I was young and Blake knows how important it is to me! We have only missed it once in 5 years! Not sure if it was preggers hormones, or the thought that next year we will most likely stay in Louisiana for the entire holiday, or just the amazing orchestra during the last verse of Joy to The World, but tears filled my eyes...I love Christmas! I love that my Savior was born for you and me, to then save you and me!! I wanted to shout from the roof top the last verse...
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
and wonders of His love,
and wonders of His love,
And wonder, wonders of His love!
What made your Christmas so special? Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season! have a Happy New Year blog friends!!!!