Look at this little guy!! Elijah Thomas Hintz, my Godson. He is so precious!! He looks like a young Denis the Menus! HA Elijah, we all call him JoJo, not sure why-just always have! He is so sweet already at the age of 4. This little guy is a snuggler to the max! When I was visiting in Oklahoma last month, I would wake up most mornings with this little bug and his sister, Anna, in my bed! I love and miss him so much! He has been on my mind lately, I am praying for such a wonderful, God-filled life for him. I am not a mother yet, but I feel such love for this guy, I can't imagine how I will feel for my own children. When my cousin Greg had called and asked me to be his Godmother, I was so honored and also felt a sense of responsibility for him. A spiritual responsibility that is, to pray for him and be a godly example to him. I just wanted everyone to meet one special guy in my life! I love and miss my JoJo!!
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