Last weekend, we had a girls trip to New Orleans!! We had a blast! We came home with lots of laughs, memories, funny stories and jokes! We went to meet up with an old co-worker who just moved there, and to have a little fun on Bourbon of course!!!

Brooke, Emily and me on our way to the N.O.

Polly and I-excuse the nasty hair-the girls curled it and then we went out in HUMIDITY and danced so much we were so SWEATY!
haha GROSS!!

Polly, Brooke, Me, Emily, Ann, oh and that would be ROY!!!!!!!

Us girls again! And that would be "the Big show" there in the blue shirt and white glasses! YIKES!

Look at the sweat on homeboy here! Wow that is some

Ann and I-
lookin a bit rough towards the end of the night!
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