Thank goodness because it takes me so long to post blogs this is now a request of prayers and thanking those for the prayers during this situation. Last Friday, my friend and co-worker, Brandi's life changed in a second. I commented on how we had just finished a good loud laugh about something, which is common for the two of us at work, when a friend came in and told her she needed to come with her to the hospital that her dad had been in a cycling accident. I will never forget Brandi's face when she turned around to grab what she could and run to her friends car.
Mr. Mike was on his regular morning ride on his bike, bicycle that is NOT motorcycle, when a car that did not see him, hit him from behind. Mike was awake at the scene, but soon had a seizure and was life flighted to the hospital. Side note, Brandi had just given him for Christmas the Road ID with his name, age, medical history, numbers to call in case of emergency, to wear on his shoe. They are worth the $20 for any athlete that you know, runners, cyclist, walkers, anyone who is on the road with vehicles around. So the Air Med guys new his information and who to call just by him having the small tag on his shoe, a gift from a few weeks before that made his family aware of what had happened almost immediately. Yay!
Ok, so Mr. Mike went into brain surgery almost immediately after arrival at the hospital. He also had several broken vertebrae in both his neck and back, brain at this point was most severe and #1 on the list of things to fix. He made it through the surgery great and went straight to ICU, where until this past Thursday was his home. Other than coming in and out of a deep sleep from all of the sedation meds, there was not too much action, however, every time a nurse or family member would ask him a question, Mike gave the correct answer!! YAY! He knows the current year, who is speaking to him, his name, family members around him and continues to become more aware of his surroundings. Now in his own private room, out of ICU, he has such hope for his recovery.
Please continue to pray for Mike, Sharon his wife, Ashley and Brandi his daughters. They appreciate the support and prayers from everyone!!!
Our prayers for his speedy recovery. Everyone should wear an ID tag. I have for years. Last year, one of our local runners was hit and killed by a vehicle while running in Huntsville. He was not wearing an ID. They tried to call me to come and identify him, but I had just left town. His wife later called and reported him missing and it was only then that they were able to identify him. Hope you are doing okay. I missed you at Houston.