Lots has been going on lately...I went SKY DIVING!!!! It was amazing! That will take an entire post itself, I still have to get my hands on the pictures that were taken as well as receive the video in the mail!!! I could go on for hours about that experience, so I will save it for another day!
I have also been very busy with photo shoots! Yay! I am excited to have booked several shoots, some even being people I do not know very well, friends of friends sort of thing!! But of course my favorite model turned 3 months the other day so I took her pictures as well! Here is a sneak peek at a few I have tweaked!! I will post many more once the family has received and seen them first!!
Ryane, I totally poted on your comment about the Walk... I was crying through reading that whole post. I do not know why it wasn't on there, sometimes I think I forget to do the little password deal... or I just spaced out and never hit post comment, who knows. It meant so much to me that you did that Walk. Thanks for remembering my sweet precious boy!
ReplyDeleteP looks just precious. I thought you went sky diving... YOU. ARE. CRAZY! I could never:)
Love you Ryane!
Hi Ryane! I'm one of the Hintz's nieces just to let you know! haha Payton is so cute, and so is your blog!